Tuesday, July 28, 2009

After the Beach

At night, we checked out the Farmer’s Festival going on in town, which was basically a carnival. The three of us guys decided we wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel (the only big ride there) and left Tomi to take the pictures. Almost immediately after getting into a seat, I realized there were a few issues. One, the Ferris Wheel let people on and off in a strange, almost random pattern. As in, one group would get on a seat, and then it would revolve nearly halfway before letting another group on. Two, it was freaking high, a fact we came face-to-face with when we got stuck at the top of the wheel for two minutes right after getting on. Three, it looked freaking scary. As in, its design looked like someone built it with oversized K'NEX pieces. The seat the three of us were in was a simple metal seat with a back, and we were ‘strapped’ in by a piece of plastic hose. Oh, and if anyone leaned slightly forward, the whole chair would tip forward. Drastically. The first thing I heard Toyo say was “I’m going to piss my pants”. And the first thing Shin did was to lean forward.

Terrible terrible decision. But after the ride started (literally took like five minutes) and started going at a good speed, it was actually really fun. Except when the chair would rock forward as if it was going to throw up off. Thankfully, we made it out alive.

Later on, I found out from my hosts that apparently someone had died from this ride the year before, because the screws fell out when she was sitting at the top. And another had died in a nearby city. And many more in years past. WHY IS IT STILL RUNNING?

1 comment:

  1. bigger question=WHY DID YOU GET ON X[

    you've already tangoed with danger where you've least expected it [the gym, a three year old, etc.] so why are you getting on something that blatantly advertises, ''say your goodbyes while you still can''

    and i still want a wild pony. PONY, PONY, PONY, PONY. hmph. =P
