Sunday, July 12, 2009

V - Nightlife

It's Friday. At night, I called a cab to go to the Northern Club, where Tim’s farewell party was being held. As I was walking down the street, this random kid turned around and called out “Konichiwa!” Why the eff does everyone here think I’m Japanese?! The Northern Club turned out to be a very nice place, where mostly the Caucasians in town go to hang out lol. I sat down at a table with a couple (who turned out to be Yalies), an old man who was getting really hammered, and this other Peace Corp chick named Kiva.

We spent the night having a few drinks (or in the case of the old man, a lot) and talking about all the spots around Fiji. I can’t wait to hit up the Yasawa islands (beach paradise!) and Taveuni now (rainforest paradise) now =] According to Nathan (the Yalie dude), Fiji has magnificient diving, better than the Caribbeans. The old man apparently lives on one of the islands, and only comes into town to blow his pension money hahaha. In the middle of our conversation, Kiva turns around and asks Nathan, “This is kind of awkward….but are you part of The Tribe?” We were all ‘wtf is the Tribe’. Well turns out, it means, “Are you a Jew” HAHAHA

This guy named Chone arrived, with his guys going in opposite directions and being rather uncoherent. Someone had been drinking too much grog lol. (Grog is the traditional drink of Fiji, made by mixing ground up Kava root and water. It makes you kinda numb and super lazy. Oh, and may contain traces of LSD?) According to Kiva, Chone is the top dentist of the entire Western Fiji LOL

Some of Kiva’s friends came and joined us, and then I met the table full of Fijians sitting next to us. Everyone was having a great time, and when it was around 10, Kiva and her friends wanted to show me the nightlife around town. We headed out after some loooong goodbyes, and they decided to first hit up this Fijian Club, which apparently was as ‘Fijian’ as you can get. The Fijian girls worked their magic with the bouncer and he let us all in for some spare change. SO SKETCH. The whole place looked like a cave, and there were bars on the windows. From what I could see, it was a bar with a small dance floor that was lit up by flashing disco lights. Oh, and no one was dancing. Apparently, Fijians only dance when it’s a Fijian song. And we quickly learned that every time a song ends, EVERYONE gets off the floor and waits to see if the next song is gonna be in Fjian or not lol.

We left after a while, because I wanted to see some of the other spots (which would hopefully be better). And soooo we headed into a…Indian club! Wow. Even more awkward. It was a rectangular room, filled with those cheap plastic chairs. And lots and lots of old Indian men. All staring at this tiny dance floor, that had even MORE disco lights. Creeeeps…we kind of went on the dance floor for one song, and got the hell out of there. Never going back. Ever.

Alright, last hope. The Zone, apparently the most Americanized of the clubs in Fiji. To get in, the Fijian girls with us went to giggle up to these guys sitting outside the entrance, while the rest of us stayed back (THE way it’s done in Fiji haha). After a while, they beckoned us over. Apparently, the deal was that all of us had to drink a cup of the murky grog they had in a pan... Well, you only live once. Anyway, we got in, but the place was again, rather sketch. Small dance floor, disco lights, surrounded by nicer couches filled by workers, etc. English music, but nothing I had ever heard of before. We danced, we chatted with the workers for a bit. And then I calmly proceeded to get the hell out.

Getting back to Dorinda’s house, I found a strange man with dreds lying on the floor. At first, I thought it was Droinda, but then I realized it was a he. Ok, not my problem. Good night. 

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